Content marketing without SEO is a dead end: Marketing Conversation with Andy Crestodina

Mar 14, 2023

 💎 Who?

 👉 Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina is the co-founder and CEO of Orbit Media, one of the largest independent American web design agencies based in Chicago. He is a true evangelist of content marketing and ethical digital marketing.

Orbit Media's blog is one of the most widely read content marketing blogs in the United States.

Andy is also the author of "The Content Chemistry - The Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing".

In addition to being a prolific content creator, Andy is one of the best speakers and marketing presenters in the United States, particularly in Chicago where he created the Content Jam event, the largest content marketing conference in Chicago.

His three areas of expertise are content marketing, SEO, and analytics.

You can follow 👉 Andy on Linkedin.


🔎 What?

A top conversation on content marketing and SEO (among others) About digital marketing Is there still really a difference today between digital marketing and marketing in general?

  • Is digital marketing more strategy or tactic?
  • Content marketing and SEO: what's the difference?
  • Can you do content marketing without doing any SEO?
  • YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia?
  • Basic SEO and social media tools for content marketers?
  • Should entrepreneurs train in SEO?
  • Will Google University soon teach SEO?
  • Content marketing vs. SEO: and the winner is...?
  • State of content marketing in 2022: the major trends that a content marketer cannot ignore?
  • Sharing and being generous: the best content strategy
  • Creating and publishing content every week: myths or reality?
  • Tips for quickly generating leads through your content
  • Guest-Posting for major media outlets: is it still a strategy that works today? (both for backlinks and reputation)
  • Influencer marketing: best tools?
  • What type of content is most effective?
  • Focus on a type of content: research and/or trend reports => how do you find the data?
  • Managing a web + content agency Managing a digital marketing agency in the US in 2022?
  • Raising funds when you are a digital marketing agency?
  • $15,000 to start from scratch with a content strategy - and generate first results?


🧠 How?

 👉 How can you apply this for you and your business?

  1. Learn SEO!

    And do it quickly. Not necessarily to do everything yourself. Just so you don't delegate (and pay) without understanding.

  2. Think "revenue" before thinking "content":

    Creating content takes time, so it takes money. And in general, we lack both. THEREFORE... don't put down the pencil without being sure that what you're going to create will really generate business for you.

  3. "Bottom of the funnel" content first What content should you start creating first?

    Without hesitation, the content that will help your salespeople. The one that will help make the first sale. To convert hot leads into at least 1 sale. Or to collect leads as close as possible to a conversion. My friend Pierre Bourgeois calls it Product Content (I talked about it in the previous newsletter).

  4. Exceptional content (or nothing):

    Clearly, focus on creating exceptional content: No, the web doesn't need yet another 1,200-word blog post like "5 tips for better ranking in Google" (and frankly, neither do your clients). You surely have unique information, incredible stats, special data, and customer cases that have never been well used, on which you have been sleeping peacefully for XXX time. Ask yourself if it's not time to turn them into great content!!!

  5. Page by page:

    Remember that SEO optimization is built page by page. It sounds like a simple statement, but personally, it took me time to understand what it really meant in terms of content strategy. Sometimes, a TOP (content + SEO) page of your website can make you rank on THE keyword that will make your business


💥 Watch the full interview👇

That's it for this week.

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